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Blockchain Technology: Solidity Tutorials -Part-V.

This is continuation of the blogs


Events allow the convenient usage of the EVM logging facilities. Events are inheritable members of contracts. When they are called, they cause the arguments to be stored in the transaction's log. Up to three parameters can receive the attribute indexed which will cause the respective arguments to be treated as log topics instead of data. The hash of the signature of the event is one of the topics except you declared the event with anonymous specifier. All non-indexed arguments will be stored in the data part of the log. Example:
contract ClientReceipt {
event Deposit(address indexed _from, bytes32 indexed _id, uint _value);
function deposit(bytes32 _id) {
Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value);
Here, the call to Deposit will behave identical to log3(msg.value, 0x50cb9fe53daa9737b786ab3646f04d0150dc50ef4e75f59509d83667ad5adb20, sha3(msg.sender), _id);. Note that the large hex number is equal to the sha3-hash of "Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)", the event's signature.

Layout of Storage

Statically-sized variables (everything except mapping and dynamically-sized array types) are laid out contiguously in storage starting from position 0. Multiple items that need less than 32 bytes are packed into a single storage slot if possible, according to the following rules:
  • The first item in a storage slot is stored lower-order aligned.
  • Elementary types use only that many bytes that are necessary to store them.
  • If an elementary type does not fit the remaining part of a storage slot, it is moved to the next storage slot.
  • Structs and array data always start a new slot and occupy whole slots (but items inside a struct or array are packed tightly according to these rules).
The elements of structs and arrays are stored after each other, just as if they were given explicitly.
Due to their unpredictable size, mapping and dynamically-sized array types use a sha3 computation to find the starting position of the value or the array data. These starting positions are always full stack slots.
The mapping or the dynamic array itself occupies an (unfilled) slot in storage at some position paccording to the above rule (or by recursively applying this rule for mappings to mappings or arrays of arrays). For a dynamic array, this slot stores the number of elements in the array. For a mapping, the slot is unused (but it is needed so that two equal mappings after each other will use a different hash distribution). Array data is located at sha3(p) and the value corresponding to a mapping key k is located at sha3(k . p) where . is concatenation. If the value is again a non-elementary type, the positions are found by adding an offset of sha3(k . p).
So for the following contract snippet:
contract c {
struct S { uint a; uint b; }
uint x;
mapping(uint => mapping(uint => S)) data;
The position of data[4][9].b is at sha3(uint256(9) . sha3(uint256(4) . uint(256(1))) + 1.

Esoteric Features

There are some types in Solidity's type system that have no counterpart in the syntax. One of these types are the types of functions. But still, using var it is possible to have local variables of these types:
contract FunctionSelector {
function select(bool useB, uint x) returns (uint z) {
var f = a;
if (useB) f = b;
return f(x);
function a(uint x) returns (uint z) {
return x * x;
function b(uint x) returns (uint z) {
return 2 * x;
Calling select(false, x) will compute x * x and select(true, x) will compute 2 * x.

Internals - the Optimizer

The Solidity optimizer operates on assembly, so it can be and also is used by other languages. It splits the sequence of instructions into basic blocks at points that are hard to move. These are basically all instructions that modify change the control flow (jumps, calls, etc), instructions that have side effects apart from MSTORE and SSTORE (like LOGiEXTCODECOPY, but also CALLDATALOAD and others). Inside of such a block, the instructions are analysed and every modification to the stack, to memory or storage is recorded as an expression which consists of an instruction and a list of arguments which are essentially pointers to other expressions. The main idea is now to find expressions that are always equal (or every input) and combine them into an expression class. The optimizer first tries to find each new expression in a list of already known expressions. If this does not work, the expression is simplified according to rules like constant + constant = sum_of_constants or X * 1 = X. Since this is done recursively, we can also apply the latter rule if the second factor is a more complex expression where we know that it will always evaluate to one. Modifications to storage and memory locations have to erase knowledge about storage and memory locations which are not known to be different: If we first write to location x and then to location y and both are input variables, the second could overwrite the first, so we actually do not know what is stored at x after we wrote to y. On the other hand, if a simplification of the expression x - y evaluates to a non-zero constant, we know that we can keep our knowledge about what is stored at x.
At the end of this process, we know which expressions have to be on the stack in the end and have list of modifications to memory and storage. From these expressions which are actually needed, a dependency graph is created and every operation that is not part of this graph is essentially dropped. Now new code is generated that applies the modifications to memory and storage in the order they were made in the original code (dropping modifications which were found not to be needed) and finally, generates all values that are required to be on the stack in the correct place.
These steps are applied to each basic block and the newly generated code is used as replacement if it is smaller. If a basic block is split at a JUMPI and during the analysis, the condition evaluates to a constant, the JUMPI is replaced depending on the value of the constant, and thus code like
var x = 7;
data[7] = 9;
if (data[x] != x + 2)
return 2;
return 1;
is simplified to code which can also be compiled from
data[7] = 9;
return 1;
even though the instructions contained a jump in the beginning.
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